Saturday, November 8, 2008

Change Will Come

Why is it so hard to tell people that you care about how you really feel?You determine that the next time you get the chance you will tell them but once you do see them,you can't.All bets are off. You start thinking of how they will feel and how you don't want to hurt them.Then you start making excuses how its not the right time for them.Whats worse is that when it comes to how you feel,they don't think twice.They always say that the problem is you and that you need to change.However they fail to see the small changes that have occurred in you,how you have changed as a person.How you have grown as an individual.You always encourage them,support them and push them to follow their dreams and go for their goals.You see the changes in them as they grow and are happy.You encourage them to change for themselves.

One day you will speak up.One day change will come.Hey it happened for Obama right!?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

History in the making..Now WHAT?!

Okay so Obama won.Now what.That's all I can come up with now that all the fan fare is dying down.I mean its great but at the back of my mind I'm wondering is he going to last?Are they going to try to kill him?Its not so far fetched,come to think of it.He is black and not in my lifetime did I ever think I would see a black president of the U.S.The world all over is loving the change,but what does this signify really.I guess I'm like some conspiracy theorist,but I don't think this spells too good of a future.I just hope that he is not what some people are saying.I'M WAITING TO SEE...