Monday, July 6, 2009

There will be a DAY

You only get to know people through your trials.

You know who really cares,

Who will be there.

You only get to know people through your trials.

You see yourself

For who you really are.

You only get to know people through your trials.

You find out what true love is,

God is love.

You will only get to know when you surrender

You know its not a man thing,

Surrender willingly.

You will only get to know when you know Him..

the one who cared enough to be there

who knew you before you were born

who loves you with unconditional love.

If that's how I have to know,

bring on the storm.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Save Me Now

Caged in, four walls,white walls.No windows.No sound.
So much,yet nothing.
Feelings intense,confusing.
Screaming,crying.No SOUND.
Madness wants to come.
When will you come?

Monday, April 13, 2009


Why is it that men don't appreciate good girls?

You know the type;the faithful girl,supportive,loving,comforting,bring home to your mama the boys like her kind.You do what you can to make things work and are still independent.Yet they take you for granted and expect that you will always be there. A person can only take so much and wait so long. Mabey Rihanna was right "when a good girl goes bad she is gone forever"

Friday, January 9, 2009


Christmas is over and a new year hs begun.Its time for resolutions like that diet you have been putting off.Well do like me, put the tv on an exercise channel and watch them work up a sweat.You will be working out meantly and you know what they say its mind over matter!!!